
Finding Your Signature Scent

Finding Your Signature Scent
October 14, 2020 23 view(s)
Finding Your Signature Scent

Every unforgettable woman knows this secret - one of the keys to leaving an indelible mark on everyone you meet is to know who you are and make thought-out choices about how you present yourself. It’s about creating an image that reflects who you are and what is important to you. Part of that image includes how you speak, what you wear, and yes, how you smell.

Finding Your Iconic Fragrance

Have you ever caught a whiff of a flower or a childhood favorite dish or even a certain soap that instantly triggered memories from years past? Scents tap into a part of our brain that is very primal. They have a powerful effect on memories, so having your own signature scent is essential to creating an unforgettable impression on those you meet.

What is Your Fragrance Personality?

If you don’t have a favorite fragrance and need some help finding one that fits your personality, we have a quick quiz to help you choose. You can either choose based on your natural temperament, or you can decide to craft the type of aura you’d like to project. Which of these sounds like you (or your ideal image)?

The Material Girl. You revel in the finer things and aspire to go first class all the way. You appreciate quality and luxury. You have excellent taste and never settle for second best. Your designer bags are NEVER knock-offs.

Your signature scent: Michael Kors.

The Modern Optimist. You are a glass-half-full kind of gal who sees the possibilities in every situation. You’re forward-thinking and you know the future looks bright.  You’re self-assured, smart, and sassy when you need to be (but you’re so charming about it, no one takes offense).

Your signature scent: L.A.M.B. by Gwen Stefani.

The Feminine Sensualist. You’re a woman who truly enjoys being a woman. You live life with gusto, embracing all the tempting tastes, sights and sounds. You love nothing better than warm comfort foods, romantic movies and curling up in soft blankets with your love next to a crackling fire on a cold winter night.

Your signature scent: Jean-Paul Gaultier Classique.

The Formal Classic. You know how to put together a wardrobe that never goes out of style. You always know which fork to use and the proper etiquette of any situation. You know how to wear a power suit and still be every inch a woman. You revel in traditions and family and throw impeccable dinner parties that even Martha Stewart would envy.

Your signature scent: Carolina Herrera.

The Inner Child. Somehow, you’ve just never completely grown up. If you encounter a rope swing or a giant slide, you’re probably going to jump on. You love to explore new places, try new things, be out with friends and you are the life of any party.

Your signature scent: Angel by Thierry Mugler.

Be sure to check out the many fragrances available on our website.  We guarantee that all beauty lines offered are 100% authentic, never from a third-party, and are items that our beauty team uses on our own hair and skin. Plus, Pandora Beauty offers some of the best prices available on all your favorite salon-quality products at our online discount beauty supply store.