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Tweezerman Barrel Spring Toenail Nipper

Tweezerman Barrel Spring Toenail Nipper

Tweezerman Master Tech Ingrown Toenail File and Cleaner (5215-P)

Tweezerman Master Tech Ingrown Toenail File and Cleaner (5215-P)

Tweezerman 4 Way Nail Buffer (3470SW-1)

Four surfaces to file, smooth, buff and shine nails. Four different abrasive surfaces. The surface marked emery is a nail file for filing free end of nail. The other three surfaces are for polishing top of nail.

How To Use:
Use Buffer Side 1 to rub across nail in one direction ten times.
Use Buffer Side 2 to rub across nail in one direction ten times.
Use Buffer Side 3 to buff nails. Buff in one direction until as shiny as desired.
Steps one and two are necessary approximately every ten days.
Step three can be repeated as often as you wish.
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